
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Take a Family Field Trip and Support Your Local Animal Sanctuary

When you go to an animal sanctuary instead of a circus, you are helping support rescued animals who have a stable environment in which to live in.  The money you pay to tour the facility goes to help the animals all while you get the rare opportunity to see a variety of animals.  Circus animals must be taken in trailers from state to state, many die from overheating and lack of water.  Others even die from heat exhaustion while performing.  

Property Surrounding Turpentine Creek Sanctuary

Watching animals eat, sleep and play in a more natural surrounding really is more entertaining that watching animals be forced to perform on demand even when they may not feel good.  At the animal sanctuaries you never know what the animal will be doing as they are not there to perform for you but to give you an education about animals.   

Tells about Khaleesi a tiger rescued recently from Colorado along with 109 other animals from the same facility.  Click here to read more about this rescue.  110 Animals Rescued From Colorado

You can have fun seeing what type of enrichment activities are provided for the animals.  The most recent animal sanctuary the local fire department had donated hoses which had been huge up for the animals to walk and climb on.  Do they have grass to nibble on?  Toys to play with?  

Rescued White Tiger at Turpentine Creek

Sadly we learned on our tour that white tigers rarely occur in nature and have been so inbred that they have problems like being cross-eyed.  For more information on white tigers click Wild Cats Sanctuary

Tiger at Turpentine Creek Sanctuary

This is one of the lucky rescued tigers that appeared to still have his claws.  Unfortunately for some rescued tigers, people tried to have them as a domestic pet. Clawing does not make tigers more domesticated and as we learned can even make their behavior worse, taking away their natural tools. When you "declaw" a tiger you actually are amputating  a lot of the bone in their paw containing nerves and tendons, as the claws consists of the bones in their feet.  Making it difficult for them to walk correctly the rest of their lives, causing many health problems.  Not only that it impairs the quality of their life for exercise.  

I found out there are many country where de-clawing your own cat is illegal. 

Pot Belly Pig Rescued

Many people get pot belly pigs after they are told they are mini-pigs.  Many of these so called mini pigs can end up weighing hundreds of pounds. 

Rescued Farm Turkeys
The first time I ever went to a sanctuary I could not believe how much bigger turkeys who had been raised for food were than wild turkeys were.  The raised turkeys were so fat that they could not even fly.  Below is a video of wild turkies.


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