
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Take Some Pictures With Your Kids

That time of year again.  We entered in the Fair and did well, but that was not really the fun part.  The fun part was taking pictures all year.  Then spending time together figuring out which pictures were worth printing out.  Last we went frame shopping.  The kids were so excited to be able to have their own photos nicely framed and actually were more excited to hang them up in their room.

Fireworks Show


One of the kids won with a picture of a double rainbow and the other kid with nature scenes. Both of these were taken with their  iPhone. (And I have a very expensive camera, yet cells now are pretty darn good).  I entered a few categories and did okay. One of my better photos was taken with my Samsung phone. Here is some of our photos.  Have fun looking at some of our 2017 photo collection.

Rain Drops

Rescued Pig

Cat Stuck in Tree

 If anyone entered this year please comment and tell us about what you photographed and how much fun you had. Or if you just went and practiced taking pictures, that would be great too!

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