
Friday, November 10, 2017

Small Plants Make Great Holiday Gifts

This cute little guy sits on my windowsill. He has succulent hair..

Cacti make great gifts and need very little water so they can be left alone longer than most plants.

This Holiday cactus won't stop blooming. So pretty are the flowers.

National Geographic shows different types of cactus as they bloom in this video.

There are unique plant holders out there that you can purchase to personalize your gift.

Not only are small plants a great gift to brighten up someone's home or workspace, but they are budget friendly.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Decorate For Using Halloween clearance items!

Starting on Thanksgiving Table Decorations

There is a lot of Halloween items on clearance with a fall theme.  The stores already are stocking so much Christmas merchandise than could not seem to wait to get rid of their mini pumpkins and decoration kits.  The entire project was only a couple dollars and the kids had a blast.

We found this kit for 75% off in the Halloween section.

Little Pumpkins are fun to decorate.

So are the pumpkins that have a bit of white on them.

Sitting and waiting to decorate our Thanksgiving table.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Daylight Savings Ends today....and my tree literally drops all it's leaves!

Well today not only did the we all get an extra hour of sleep and then have to wake up and change all our clocks that do not automatically change when daylight savings ends, it seems that this week the beautiful leaves are falling off the trees. I literally stood outside and watched the leaves drop off my tree.

No longer on the tree.

Just yesterday this tree still had leaves on it.

Deciduous-  This is a good week to teach your kids the difference between evergreen trees and deciduous trees.  When I was a young adult in my first home, I did not take into consideration that there are different types of trees.  When winter came, my yard looked very dead. There is just something nice about seeing a nice pine tree in the winter to perk me up.  I am guessing that part of the reason years ago people starting using Christmas trees was to perk up their home during the winter.

Indoor plants that stay green all year.

Perennial- This was another term I did not realize to look for when planting things in my new home and was amazed they are were dead the next year, as I had only purchased annual plants. Not having a lot of money and realizing I had to buy plants all over again I really studied up on annuals vs. perennials.  I have several annuals that I love and they just seem to be big and beautiful when winter comes, so I have learned to grow them in pots and watch for the first freeze and bring them indoors so that they will stay green all year.

Even a nice country drive will show such beautiful scenery. 

So go on a science walk with your kids this week and look for different types of plants and trees.  This is the perfect time of year for it while the weather is still nice and the leaves are all different colors of red and yellow.

More beautiful turning of the leaves

Oh, an I am great, until March 11, 2018 when they take away my morning sunshine and make me get up in the dark.  I call daylight savings time "Grumpy Week". 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Virtual Field Trip 2017 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

This was a unusual day above with the balloons as they lifted off a bit late. A few of the balloons did not go up on Monday the 9th but inflated so that we could see them.  The rest made it up after the slight delay and it was worth the short wait. That was the only day that had a slight bump due to windy weather. The previous weekend and the rest of the week the weather was perfect and the balloons went up and filled the sky.

Here were a few of the special shapes balloon.  The motorcycle was huge!

You can see at least one of these balloons getting filled with hot air.

This balloon is based on fractals: Science, Math and Art.  Fractal Foundation Information

Although pin trading is still popular, most of the pilots have cards telling about where they are from and all about their balloon that they hand out for free if you ask them. 

Balloons land everywhere! Parks, fields and even around homes.  You can see a bird balloon and another balloon peeking behind homes in the area. 

Another fun thing was to watch a few balloons on Wednesday the 10th of October lift off at around 6:30 a.m. and flicker in the sky similar to fireflies.  They also have an evening glow that you can see the balloon light up as the sun goes down.  These are some extra perks that are fun to watch.

Sights from 2017 Fiesta

Lots of cool stuff to buy and to eat.  If you like balloons it seemed that you could find balloon earrings, lights, quilts, canvas to paint, or lots of other stuff.  The size of the food servings were so big and you could buy fries, donuts, breakfast burritos, drinks and all other types of food. 

The police patrolled on horseback.  The horses did not seem to mind the crowds nor the balloons.  Pretty remarkable animals aren't they?

Decorations to buy or wear.  Long time weather man, Steve Stucker, has covered the event for about 26 years for KOB-TV.  His weather jacket was covered both front and back with pins.  

Interested in more information on attending in person?

What is a trip to Albuquerque without going out after the fiesta to get your favorite green chili item. Green chili burgers, green chili pizza, green chili burritos or my favorite green chili sushi.  I love it!

Virtual Field Trip to Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks by Pueblo de Cochiti in New Mexico

Tent Rocks

Only $5 for a group of eight!

Views that were probably seen in 1540 by the Spanish Explorers, like Coronado.

Tight fit and often single file lines to get up and down the hike.

Look straight up, the views are so unique and different all along the trail.

We saw tree roots and even some petrified wood along the trail.

Information and warning signs along the trail.

Informational Sign

Some of the Tent Rocks you will see are short, but others are as tall as 90 feet. 

Everywhere you look people were talking photos of the amazing sights.

Lots of twists and turns on the trail, also with a bit different details.

Created from volcanic materials and then sculptured by water and wind over the years.

More Tree Views 

BLM Information Page

Amazing...Nature's Artwork

Located less than an hour away from Albuquerque, New Mexico.  You do need to bring water with you, in a non-breakable container.  They do have restrooms.  Pets are prohibited and you will be fined if you bring a pet as only identifiable service animals are allowed.  Taking things home with you, bringing a drone or shooting are all things that are strictly prohibited.  

Interested in visiting you can call 505-761-8700 or 505-331-6259 for more information or click here for BLM information website

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Have You Checked Your Air Filters Lately?? Tires? Detectors? Teach Your Kids Important Life Skills.

Old and New Lawn Mower Filter

Sometimes we get so overwhelmed making sure our kids get good grades, their homework done, and do extra-curricula activities we forget we need to teach life skill too.

Well by accident I found an important teachable moment for my older kids.  I regularly change not only my car air filter but my car cabin filter.  The last time I changed mine I realized that I had never seen neither my kids nor their dad change their filter. Their dad always harped on regular oil changes but that was it.  I wish I had pictures of what their cabin filters looked like.  I wasn't even sure they had cabin filters as their cars were older than mine, but all three of them did.  They were very dirty. We changed them, bought new ones and put the filter number in their glove box.  Then I went out to check our lawn mower.  Ugh!  And I checked the house filters.  Ugh!  Sometimes we get so busy we get behind in our home maintenance and we never show our kids what types of things they need to keep up on.

What about smoke and carbon monoxide detectors?

It is recommended to change your batteries when you change your clocks.  Haven't  checked or changed batteries lately?  Go check it right now and make sure they are working.  It is also recommended that you test your detectors monthly.  

You can buy these and hand them out with your business name. What a cool way to advertise and help remind families in your community to test their smoke alarm.

Tires?  No one wants a flat tire or an accident.  They now have a test you can do with a quarter to see if your tire still has tread.  If at all in doubt take your car to your tire servicer for inspection.  Getting regular tire rotation improves your tire wear and gas mileage and allows your auto mechanic to check your tires.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Holiday Cooking with Little Ones

This little guy can help you little ones be very helpful in the kitchen.
Scrub those potatoes (and carrots if need be) to bake, chop, fry or mash for dinner.

They can scrub the veggies for you and you know this brush is just for veggies because of the potato head!  Click here to see where we got our brush.  Kitchen Collection

My new favorite is potato salad.  Kids rather have mashed, baked or homemade french fries.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Donate Money & Have Fun With Your Family

Pick Your Cause and Take Your Family

Neon Night #NAMI

There are so many runs you can take your family to and you save quite a lot of money if you preregister.  The last few runs I have been they offer dancing, snacks, race t-shirt and the run.  The cool thing is that you no longer have to fight to get to the front if you are a competitive racer as they have an automatic race chip you wear and times when you start and when you finish.  A few years back you had to tie them to your shoe and some people would lose them.  Now they are taped to the number on your shirt, which is why so many races now have you wear your number on the front of your t-shirt rather than the back.

Color Runs

Night Runs

Fundraisers for schools, rotary clubs, food pantries, girls activities, suicide prevention services, rescuing animals and helping build homes for people are literally just a handful of choices. 

Click below to search for a run near you.

Sample Warm Up at a  Race for Life