
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Painted Rock Hunts

More Rocks Found

Update:  With the weather changing from freezing to almost 80 degrees this past week we started rock hunting again.  Even if you aren't getting park weather where you live you can start painting rocks to hide when nicer weather gets here.

Many small communities have started up in the past year rock hunts.  Families with kids of all ages seem to love to participate in these rock hunts.  People have commented that their T.V. sets are turned off and their kids are getting more exercise and outdoor time.  You paint rocks and then hide them.  When you find other peoples rocks you can take photos and share what rocks you discovered.  Kids and adults usually try to re-hid most of the rocks that they find but they occasionally keep a rock they love too much to re-hid. Since kids of all ages love to participate it is important to treat preschool painted rocks just as important as the more artistically decorated ones.  If you paint a rock, please send it to us to post!  BTW the smile rock is a rock that I found and loved too much to re-hid.

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