
Friday, October 13, 2017

Virtual Field Trip 2017 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

This was a unusual day above with the balloons as they lifted off a bit late. A few of the balloons did not go up on Monday the 9th but inflated so that we could see them.  The rest made it up after the slight delay and it was worth the short wait. That was the only day that had a slight bump due to windy weather. The previous weekend and the rest of the week the weather was perfect and the balloons went up and filled the sky.

Here were a few of the special shapes balloon.  The motorcycle was huge!

You can see at least one of these balloons getting filled with hot air.

This balloon is based on fractals: Science, Math and Art.  Fractal Foundation Information

Although pin trading is still popular, most of the pilots have cards telling about where they are from and all about their balloon that they hand out for free if you ask them. 

Balloons land everywhere! Parks, fields and even around homes.  You can see a bird balloon and another balloon peeking behind homes in the area. 

Another fun thing was to watch a few balloons on Wednesday the 10th of October lift off at around 6:30 a.m. and flicker in the sky similar to fireflies.  They also have an evening glow that you can see the balloon light up as the sun goes down.  These are some extra perks that are fun to watch.

Sights from 2017 Fiesta

Lots of cool stuff to buy and to eat.  If you like balloons it seemed that you could find balloon earrings, lights, quilts, canvas to paint, or lots of other stuff.  The size of the food servings were so big and you could buy fries, donuts, breakfast burritos, drinks and all other types of food. 

The police patrolled on horseback.  The horses did not seem to mind the crowds nor the balloons.  Pretty remarkable animals aren't they?

Decorations to buy or wear.  Long time weather man, Steve Stucker, has covered the event for about 26 years for KOB-TV.  His weather jacket was covered both front and back with pins.  

Interested in more information on attending in person?

What is a trip to Albuquerque without going out after the fiesta to get your favorite green chili item. Green chili burgers, green chili pizza, green chili burritos or my favorite green chili sushi.  I love it!

Virtual Field Trip to Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks by Pueblo de Cochiti in New Mexico

Tent Rocks

Only $5 for a group of eight!

Views that were probably seen in 1540 by the Spanish Explorers, like Coronado.

Tight fit and often single file lines to get up and down the hike.

Look straight up, the views are so unique and different all along the trail.

We saw tree roots and even some petrified wood along the trail.

Information and warning signs along the trail.

Informational Sign

Some of the Tent Rocks you will see are short, but others are as tall as 90 feet. 

Everywhere you look people were talking photos of the amazing sights.

Lots of twists and turns on the trail, also with a bit different details.

Created from volcanic materials and then sculptured by water and wind over the years.

More Tree Views 

BLM Information Page

Amazing...Nature's Artwork

Located less than an hour away from Albuquerque, New Mexico.  You do need to bring water with you, in a non-breakable container.  They do have restrooms.  Pets are prohibited and you will be fined if you bring a pet as only identifiable service animals are allowed.  Taking things home with you, bringing a drone or shooting are all things that are strictly prohibited.  

Interested in visiting you can call 505-761-8700 or 505-331-6259 for more information or click here for BLM information website