
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Movie Reviews----Perseverance

What to watch a movie to inspire you?  Want to watch a movie that inspires conversation about real people who overcame huge obstacles?  Spoiler alert: reading information may spoil endings.

My-All American (2015)

     This story is about Freddie Steinmark, a 5 foot 9 inch football player who also got very good grades. On top of that he goes to church on a regular basis. Despite Steinmark winning the Gold Helmet Award he had not been offered one scholarship. His positive attitude throughout the entire movie was portrayed by actor Finn Wittrock, who was actually a couple inches taller than the real Steinmark. Thoughout the film Steinmark and his team mates run into many obstacles and his team player positive attitude is contagious throughout the movie.  Later Steinmark ends up having to face the biggest obstacle of his life, cancer.  He story inspired the current president of the time, Nixon, to pass the National Cancer Act of 1971.

Hidden Figures (2017)

     The three main characters of the movie where strong, black woman.  All three were struggling to break the glass ceiling both for being woman and being black.  Dorothy Vaughan saved not only her job but the black woman who were working with her manually calculating mathematical numbers. When NASA bought a IBM computer she quickly realized that her job would soon become extincted and she would need to know how to work a computer. She not only taught herself how to FORTRAN but all the black woman who worked with her doing mathematical computations. (white and black woman were segregated from both men and each other.)
     During the movie Mary Jackson, who was not an engineer, helped top NASA engineers solve problems.  It was implied that Mary Jackson should become an engineer.  The problem was that the only place she could attend school to become an engineer did not allow blacks to attend.  Mary Jackson took her case to court and won to become the first black engineer in America.
     John Glenn was so impressed with Katherine Johnson that even after they started using the IBM computer to perform calculations, he personally asked that Johnson recheck the numbers.  Katherine was moved into an area where she only worked with men and it appeared from the movie she was as smart or smarter than any man that she worked with but they would have her recheck data without giving her security clearance to do the job well.  She proved herself so valuable that as a woman she was given security clearance and even with security clearance they still would not let her into the important meetings since she was a woman.  She finally got into the meeting after stating why she should be allowed.  She also was constantly being asked why she took half hour breaks during the day.  She replied there was not any bathroom for colored woman anywhere near where she was working.  If the movie is accurate she was instrumental in getting NASA to stop having segregated bathrooms and drinking fountains as when her boss saw how much time she wasted having to go so far to the restroom he removed all segregation signs from the buildings. According to the NASA website, Johnson graduated college at 18 and in 2015 President Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a civilian can get.

The Imitation Game (2014) PG-13

     Joan Clarke and Alan Turing Enigma Ciphers during World War II.  When Joan Clarke arrives at Bletchley Park to help they first put her with all the woman to be a secretary.  It was unheard of for a woman to be a cryptologist, even though Clarke had remarkable math skills. It is believed Clarke and Turing's work help end the war several years early than if they had not been able to deciphered the German codes so quickly.  According to the BBC.COM News Turing helped save millions of lives and by millions it could be 20 million lives. This movie shows the very close relationship between Clarke and Turing and at one point they get engaged.  Near the end of the movie the engagement is broken even though they are still very close as Turing reveals that he is gay and can't go through with the wedding.  This part of the movie quickly becomes very sad and recommend that you watch with your child if you feel that he or she is old enough to understand what happens next.  Homosexuality was a crime during this time where Turing lived and he was later arrested and no longer allowed to work at his security job.  He kept his homosexuality a secret during the war but was later found out and reported.  The impact on his life is profound and he can not handle it and later dies of cyanide poisoning.  It took 61 years after his death before the queen pardoned him.  He was a hero who was never acknowledged for saving so many peoples lives and for being the Father of Computer Science. 

Joan Clarke speaks about her engagement to Alan Turing.

Enigma Machine- Like one of the first computers in the world!
The one invented by Turing was called the Bombe.!

Alan Turing- Pardon by Queen


Do You Have Grit????  

Grit........Perseverance....Tenacity.....working hard despite obstacles. So many things are so easy for us today does this mean we are losing perseverance in our lives?  Can't spell a word correctly?  If your word processor doesn't self-correct it for you just Google it  or use an online dictionary to look it up on the Internet.  Ten years ago I was quoted in a book as saying "Google is the new encyclopedia." How many of you remember having to walk to the library or get a ride to it to look something up for a homework assignment? You had to look through the card catalog to find your book. Now you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home to get a book.  You can sign into Amazon and order a hard copy of the book to get sent through the mail or just download it.  Of course you can sign onto your local library and have it waiting for you at the library, where you might now even have to get out of your car, just drive thru and roll your window down.  Remember wanting to watch The Wizard of Oz, Cinderella or A Charlie Brown Christmas?  You had to plan and organize your time and make sure you were home with your T.V. set on during the once a year showing.  There were no  Beta, VHS, DVD players or TiVo players. Places like Blockbuster were not even in existence back then and now most are obsolute and out of business.  We went to one of the few video stores the other day and it was actually fun for my kids who had never been to a video store. There certainly wasn't Netflix, Hulu or FandangoNow. Need the weather? Tornado Warnings? Stock update? Directions?  Just pull your smartphone out of your pocket.  Why struggle learning to read a map when your GPS will just tell you how to get there?

How can we show our kids what perseverance is when our lives seem so easy now? When our kids runs into trouble trying out for a sport or getting a good grade?  It use to be a C meant you did what you were suppose to in class and an A or B meant the student not the teacher figure out how to put the extra effort in to get the A. Now you hear students say you didn't say I needed to do that for an A.  Even with a rubric to follow they want to know exactly how to do something to get an A.  Part of earning an A needs to come from their trial and error not given to them (spoon feed as some people might say).  That is how growth mindset works.  Learning from your mistakes.  Thinking for yourself.  How do we get students and our children to realize that mistakes are okay and earning an A means figuring out how to make a project better.  If a teacher has to tell you how to get an A, that only limits you to the teachers knowledge and outlook.  Finding a way to earn an A by yourself, not only helps you grow dendrites, grow but gives your teacher and classmates a different point of view when looking how to solve a problem.

Famous People with Grit-

I have to tell you one of my favorite is Michael Jordan- He was cut from his sophomore basketball team.

Can you figure the rest of these out?

A. 1,000 people turned him down before he sold his chicken recipe.
B. Was told that he could not dance.
C. Fired from a singing job and told to go back to driving a truck.
D. Had to be homeschooled because his teacher said he was too stupid to learn.
F. Was told he should be a dishwasher.
G. Told that she was not fit to be on television.
H.Was told that he had no imagination.
I. Failed running for public office many times before becoming president of the U.S.
J. Struck at more than any other baseball player.
K. Booed off stage when he started comedy.
L. His book was rejected by over 2 dozen publishers.
M. He sold only 1 painting in his lifetime.
N. Single mom living in poverty becomes one of the wealthiest woman in the world as a write.
O. Was homeless at one point in their live before they became successful entertainers.
P. Has dyslexia and was a poor student who went  on to become a billionaire.
Q. Polio paralyzed him and put him in a wheelchair yet he later became president of the U.S.
R. Rejected from University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts Three Times!
S. She was told that she was too shy when she was in acting school and told she did not have a future.
T. Has said that he has failed many times in life and that is why he is successful.


A. Colonel Sanders
B. Fred Astaire
C. Elvis Presley
D. Thomas Edison
F. Sidney Poitier
G. Oprah Winfrey
H. Walt Disney
I. Abraham Lincoln
J. Babe Ruth
K. Jerry Seinfeld
L. Dr. Seuss
M, Vincent Van Gogh
N. J.K. Rowling
O. Jim Carrey, Shania Twain, Steve Job, Tyler Perry
P. Richard Branson
Q. Franklin D. Roosevelt 
Search Description
R. Steven Spielberg
S.  Lucille Ball
T. Michael Jordan

The next blog will review movies that are motivational and show main characters that have grit.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

DIY Projects

Perler Beads

Here are some ideas for you and your child to do together.  Do It Yourself projects that cost almost nothing.
Refrigerator Magnets

Miniature Jewelry Box

Custom Earbud Holders

Homemade Earbud Holder and Refrigerator Magnets DIY Video

Are you making a study area in your home or want to store magazines neatly somewhere?  
You can recycle a cereal box and Do It Yourself!  Watch the video.
BTW- Remember safety.....These DIY projects use scissors, hot glue gun and an iron.  
Please supervise your child. 

DIY Magazine or Book Holder